Photo By Tom Arthur

We Elect Environmental Leaders

New Jersey LCV does its part in the fight for a greener environment by lobbying elected officials, mobilizing advocates, and making endorsements. Campaigns are becoming more and more expensive, and candidates need to know that when they stand up for the environment, the environmental community will support them.

Our Political Action Committee, New Jersey League of Conservation Voters PAC, goes one step further – by directly spending "hard dollars" on campaigns to defend our allies, defeat our opponents, and elect a new generation of environmental leaders.

The New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund (New Jersey LCV VF) is the state's only environmental super PAC. We use highly sophisticated targeting to find voters who will influence the outcome of key races and educates them about candidates' positions on the environment. We work independently from campaigns to help elect environmental champions.

Your contribution to the New Jersey LCV PAC supports the environment through:

Candidate recruitment
Door-to-door canvassing
Issue polling
Social media campaigns
Radio and television advertising
Direct mail
Phone banking

Since its inception, New Jersey LCV PAC has established itself as a recognized player in the political arena because we target races where we can move the votes to sway the outcome of elections.

Please join our campaign and make a difference for the environment by supporting New Jersey LCV PAC today