Protecting Open Space

Love your open spaces

As the nation’s most densely populated state, New Jersey is slated to reach full build out by the mid-century. That’s why advocating for sustainable funding for preserving open space, farmlands, and public parks is a huge part of what we do. Preserving these spaces reduces destructive flooding, protects our drinking water supply, and promotes outdoor recreational activities that provide substantial economic and public health benefits. 

We made great strides in protecting New Jersey’s open spaces in 2014 with the approval of Public Question 2, which established funding for the preservation and stewardship of public land, parks, farms, and historic sites. But there is still work to be done. That’s why we’re fighting to: 

  • Make sure everyone in New Jersey can access parks and public lands
  • Address rapid development of fossil fuel pipelines, natural gas compressor stations, and other energy sprawl that threatens our open spaces
  • Protect the lands that provide drinking water to people across the state, including the Delaware River Basin, the Highlands, and the Pinelands
  • Continue to fight suburban sprawl by promoting smart growth