Fighting Climate Change

Fighting Climate Change

Global climate change is the most serious environmental challenge facing New Jersey. As a coastal state, we are at an increased risk from sea-level rise and more frequent and intense storms. With Superstorm Sandy, we saw the devastation that could occur over and over if we don’t act. 

New Jersey has been a leader in fighting our changing climate by advancing policies to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and encourage solar energy production. But we've fallen behind in recent years, and are missing out on the potential for New Jersey to serve as a hub for a clean energy economy that would generate good-paying jobs, help close budget gaps, and address climate change.

We are advocating for strategies that help us prepare for the impacts of climate change. At the same time, we’re fighting for investments that will bring a swift transition to a clean energy economy that works for all our communities and reduces the harmful pollution created by burning fossil fuels. There must be a strong focus on social justice and helping marginalized communities of color that have been left behind and bare the unjust burden of pollution. This change will require bold action by our elected leaders and community support.