New Digital Ads in New Jersey Encourage Reps. Kim and Malinowski to Continue to Fight For Clean Energy and Climate Investments

Contact: Henry Gajda
O: (609) 331-9922
C: (732) 276-2072


New Digital Ads in New Jersey Encourage Reps. Kim and Malinowski to Continue to Fight For Clean Energy and Climate Investments 

Climate Power and LCV’s $10 Million Nationwide July Paid Media Campaign will Launch Across 16 States and 23 Congressional Districts

Washington, D.C. - Today, Climate Power and the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) announced the launch of new digital ads in New Jersey. These ads are part of an additional $10 million paid media boost to their nationwide Great American Build campaign. As New Jersey and much of the country is gripped by climate-change fueled extreme weather, new cable, broadcast, and digital ads will underscore the need for Congress to take immediate, bold climate action to create millions of good-paying, union jobs in the clean energy sector, prioritize environmental justice for communities of color most harmed by toxic pollution, and confront climate change. 

WATCH NJ-03 digital ad here.

WATCH NJ-07 digital ad here.

“New Jerseyans support bold action on climate, clean energy jobs, and justice. We are excited to see our national partner, LCV, run these timely ads highlighting the opportunities a clean energy economy would bring to New Jersey -- including high-quality union jobs,” said Henry Gajda, Policy Director, New Jersey LCV. “We look forward to working with Representatives Kim and Malinowski to continue the fight for historic climate legislation with investments at the scale that science and justice demand.” 

In New Jersey, ads will run on digital as part of the $10 million nationwide campaign that includes national cable ads, Washington, D.C. ads, and additional ads thanking members of Congress for fighting for climate and environmental justice and encouraging them to get this done in 16 states and 23 congressional districts. The campaign begins as members of Congress are home for the July recess and then return to D.C. to continue work on infrastructure and economic recovery legislation. 

This new spending over the next six weeks comes on top of nearly $10 million in paid media spending by the groups since January. This also comes on top of a new $8 million field organizing effort announced last week by LCV. 

“We are out of time to act on the climate crisis and environmental justice and voters across the country know it,” said LCV Senior Vice President of Campaigns Pete Maysmith. “It’s imperative that Congress invest in climate, clean energy and high-quality union jobs at the scale science and justice demand in order to meet the moment, put our nation on the path to 100% carbon-free energy powering our electricity grid and new cars, buses, and buildings by 2035, and build healthy, safe communities.”

“This is our climate moment,” said Climate Power executive director Lori Lodes. “Climate-fueled extreme weather events, including fires, droughts, and storms, are battering communities across this country. The climate crisis is real and we have the workforce to fix it. The U.S. House and Senate must pass a strong reconciliation package that delivers on President Biden’s promise of 100% clean electricity and reducing pollution.”

More details on the new $10 million Great American Build ad campaign, including a list of all of the states and districts, can be found here

The nationwide advertising campaign will include broadcast and cable television ads, digital, radio, video, banner, social, and native ads, as well as billboards and local newspaper print ads.