Contact: Michelle Peal
O: (908) 313-4178
C: (732) 991-7574


TRENTON – The following is a statement from Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey LCV regarding a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in New Jersey, by Cape May County in a coalition with commercial fishing and tourism interests accusing federal agencies of ignoring and violating laws designed to protect the environment and marine life by moving forward with offshore wind.

“This is another expensive press release in the form of a frivolous lawsuit spreading lies and fossil fuel propaganda. We know that the greatest threat to our oceans is climate change and offshore wind is one of the solutions to help our oceans and marine life thrive,” said Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey LCV. “Our oceans are warming, coral reefs are bleaching, and marine ecosystems are collapsing. We can’t continue to twiddle our thumbs in the face of a climate crisis and turn our back on real solutions like wind energy to protect our oceans, improve public health, make us energy independent, and create good local jobs that can't be outsourced.”