New Jersey LCV Statement on Flood Defense Act Becoming Law

TRENTON, NJ- Ed Potosnak, Executive Director of New Jersey League of Conservation Voters, released the following statement today on Governor Murphy signing A2694/S1073, also known as the Flood Defense Act, into law:

Governor Murphy once again demonstrated his strong environmental leadership by signing the bipartisan Flood Defense Act into law today. The Flood Defense Act gives New Jersey communities the authority to better clean up polluted runoff and defend themselves against damaging flooding.

The bill empowers New Jersey counties and municipalities — on a purely voluntary basis — to create much-needed, community-based stormwater programs that reduce pollution and control local flooding. The legislation makes our neighborhoods cleaner, greener and safer, and can help create good, local jobs.

With stormwater runoff becoming an increasingly prevalent problem, frequent flooding is polluting New Jersey waterways and causing millions of dollars of damage, snarling traffic, threatening drinking water and even endangering lives. This is a $16 billion problem. Now, New Jersey communities that opt-in can join 1,800 other communities across the country to equip themselves with this essential tool.  

In addition to Governor Murphy, we also thank Senators Bob Smith, Kip Bateman, Richard Codey and Linda Greenstein, as well as Assembly Members John McKeon, Nancy Pinkin, and Cleopatra Tucker for their support for this bipartisan legislation that will make New Jersey the greenest state in America. 
