NJLCV Pushes Public Question 2 Over the Top

Trenton, NJ- This Fall, the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters (NJLCV) and NJLCV Education Fund, the affiliated 501 c(3) organization, invested significant time, energy, and resources to reach out to voters about Public Question 2.  Public Question 2 will dedicate existing corporate business tax revenues for land preservation and water quality improvement without raising taxes.  Funding will also be used to clean up polluted sites and improve the quality of rivers, lakes and drinking water sources around the Garden State.

Beyond its work in getting Public Question 2 on the ballot, NJLCV played an active role in the "Yes on 2" campaign led by "NJ Keep It Green," a diverse coalition of New Jersey organizations.  NJLCV worked to engage members and identify targeted voters, urging voters to support for Public Question 2 on November 4.

NJLCV Education Fund informed New Jersey's urban voters about Public Question 2.  As part of their urban voter activation program, NJLCV Education Fund invited nearly 60,000 Hispanic voters to join its live Spanish-language telephone town hall answering questions about Question 2, featuring Senator Bob Menendez and Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto. NJLCV Education Fund also ran a large "Get Out the Vote" program engaging more than 53,000 voters predominately in Newark, Jersey City, Trenton, and New Brunswick with door-to-door canvassing and bilingual phone banking.

"At the New Jersey LCV Education Fund, we believe that it is crucial for the environmental community to take an active role in educating and turning out voters, particularly in New Jersey's urban communities. We are very proud to help activate environmental voters and encourage civic participation.  This effort was groundbreaking for the environmental community and we are looking forward to building on the success of this program in next year's 2015 elections," said Ed Potosnak, Executive Director of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters.

In the past NJLCVEF has seen as much as half of urban voters drop off the ballot and ignore ballot question.  NJLCVEF's efforts to increase voter participation through outreach and eduction is critical to increasing public engagement on ballot questions.

"Passage of Question 2 will help ensure future generations have clean water to drink, clean air to breath and natural landscapes to enjoy.  We thank the voters of New Jersey for their continued support for protecting our natural resources," said Potosnak.