New Jersey LCV concerned Murphy move is partial surrender to Trump fossil fuel agenda

Contact: Anthony Campisi 
(732) 266-8221

New Jersey LCV concerned Murphy move is partial surrender to Trump fossil fuel agenda 

New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Executive Director Ed Potosnak issued the following statement in response to the decision by Governor Murphy’s administration to cancel the fourth-round offshore wind solicitation: 

We are deeply disappointed in the decision by Governor Murphy and his administration to cancel the fourth-round offshore wind solicitation because it plays right into the hands of Donald Trump, who wants to stick New Jersey families with dirty air and expensive oil and gas energy to further enrich his billionaire friends.

This decision will cost New Jersey thousands of jobs and consign working families to buying more expensive electricity even as they breathe dirtier air that causes asthma and heart disease.

At this critical moment in our nation’s history, New Jersey needs a governor who will boldly chart a course forward to build a clean energy future that delivers union jobs and healthier air and water to working families across our state. We can’t afford to take our cues from Donald Trump and his billionaire friends. At a time of record prices and climate-change fueled wildfires and extreme storms we need a strong clean energy standard for New Jersey now more than ever.