News Articles

New Jersey LCV testifies against pipelines

New Jersey League of Conservation Voters is making the environment a top priority in Trenton.


Green PAC backs pro-environment legislators in NJ

A nonpartisan group is making its presence felt in New Jersey's legislative elections by supporting four candidates who rank among the most reliable pro-environment votes.

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Verona, Cedar Grove legislators grade poorly in environmental issues, study says

Verona and Cedar Grove may be nestled in the trees, but an environmental advocacy group says those they send to Trenton could be much greener.

According to a scorecard released Sept. 9 by the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters, the assembly members and state senators whose districts contain Verona and Cedar Grove are mostly below average when it comes to environmental issues.

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Open space vote helps Allen land support of NJ conservationists

A last-ditch effort to place an open-space referendum on the November ballot may have come up a few votes short this summer, but Sen. Diane Allen’s support for the measure wasn’t forgotten by conservationists, who endorsed her re-election this week.

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"Green" group gives legislators low scores on environmental issues

Apparently, it still isn’t easy being green -- particularly in the New Jersey Legislature.

At least that's the conclusion of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters, which issued a scorecard yesterday that indicated lawmakers are sliding in their ratings for voting on environmental bills. It is a trend previously cited by more prominent and politically active groups, such as the New Jersey Environmental Federation and the New Jersey Sierra Club.

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Groups Gift Garrett With 'Climate Change Denier' Award

Ed Potosnak hands Climate Denier Award to Garrett Staffer Rob Pettet. Photo Credit Liat Kastner.

Rep. Scott Garrett (R-5th) received quite a gift on Tuesday – a group of New Jersey environmentalists presented the conservative congressman’s staff with an award for his “extreme, anti-science views.”

Chanting “It’s hot, Scott” and flashing homemade signs outside Garrett’s Glen Rock district office, The New Jersey League of Conservation Voters (NJLCV) and Organization for Action (OFA) railed against the Sussex congressman’s views on climate change.

“Climate change is one of the greatest environmental challenges,” NJLCV Executive Director Ed Potosnak said, remarking that the Jersey Shore “will be no more” if “aggressive action” isn’t taken. “As humans, we have created this problem and we have to stand up against it... Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree, yet many in Congress either refuse to act or, worse, join Rep. Garrett – with only a 11% lifetime LCV score – in denying that the problem even exists.”

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