News Articles

New Jersey LCV testifies against pipelines

New Jersey League of Conservation Voters is making the environment a top priority in Trenton.


N.J. open space advocates: Vote 'yes' on constitutional amendment

New Jersey voters should support a constitutional amendment that would allocate millions of dollars in corporate taxes for preserving open space, a bipartisan coalition pushing the plan said today.

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Senate Environment and Energy Committee advances challenge to Christie’s withdrawal from cap and trade program

TRENTON  – The legislature’s challenge to a move by Gov. Chris Christie to pull New Jersey out of a “cap and trade” emissions program made further headway today when the Senate Environment and Energy Committee affirmed that the withdrawal of the state from the initiative stands as a violation of legislative intent.

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When it rains, it sometimes pours, which can be a problem for New Jersey’s waterways, because in many locations overwhelmed wastewater treatment plants can end up spewing raw sewage into the state’s rivers and bays.

It is a problem long neglected by the state’s urban areas and policymakers, who have largely failed to deal with the issue, in part perhaps it could impose huge costs, amounting to $14 billion, according to some projections.

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Environmental groups endorse Booker for U.S. Senate

Sen. Cory Booker with NJLCV Executive Director Ed Potosnak.

LONG BRANCH – Several environmental groups endorsed U.S. Sen. Cory Booker for re-election to the U.S. Senate on Sunday, calling him a champion for the environment.

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Editorial: N.J. re-entry into Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative is smart move

Ed Potosnak needed fewer than 30 words to sum up everything that’s right and good about a new legislative push to usher New Jersey back into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative – better known as RGGI.

“The people of New Jersey want cleaner air and good jobs,” Potosnak, executive director of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters, said in a statement. “RGGI provides these benefits as well as many others, including desperately needed money into our treasury.”

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The biggest challenge to reducing the greenhouse-gas emissions that contribute to climate change in the state is to do so without imposing an unfair cost burden on residents and businesses, according to a new report submitted to the Legislature.

The report is the work of a study group set up by lawmakers to identify ways to comply with an aggressive goal of cutting back pollution that leads to global warming, reducing carbon emissions by 80 percent from 2006 levels by 2050. It recommends that the state focus on three key areas to achieve those targets: transportation; heating and building; and energy production.

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Lawmakers, environmentalists urge Assembly action on NJ open space funding

Armed with a poll that showed overwhelming public support for their plan to save New Jersey’s out-of-cash open space trust fund, environmentalists and lawmakers from both parties today called on state Assembly leaders to act on it.

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Plan for open-space funding advances in N.J.

TRENTON- A Senate panel on Monday advanced a proposal to restore funding to New Jersey's depleted open-space program by amending the state's constitution to dedicate a portion of revenue from the corporate business tax to preserving land.

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Central Jersey's million-dollar political races funded by outside groups

In just three legislative districts in Central Jersey, combined spending by the state Senate and Assembly candidates, the two major state parties and the independent groups has topped $5 million, according to a Courier News and Home News Tribune review of state campaign finance documents.

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Turn one year memory of Sandy into positive force for change

As we approach the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, many Americans will revisit life-changing moments and remembrances from the superstorm, especially those in New York and New Jersey.

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